

Svensk definition

Ormfamilj omfattande boa-, anaconda- och pytonormar. De finns i tropiska eller subtropiska områden och lever i träd, i vatten eller i marken. Genom att slingra sig hårt runt sina byten kväver de dem. Det finns fem underfamiljer: Boinae, Bolyerinae, Erycinae, Pythoninae och Tropidophiinae.

Engelsk definition

A family of snakes comprising the boas, anacondas, and pythons. They occupy a variety of habitats through the tropics and subtropics and are arboreal, aquatic or fossorial (burrowing). Some are oviparous, others ovoviviparous. Contrary to popular opinion, they do not crush the bones of their victims: their coils exert enough pressure to stop a prey's breathing, thus suffocating it. There are five subfamilies: Boinae, Bolyerinae, Erycinae, Pythoninae, and Tropidophiinae. (Goin, Goin, and Zug, Introduction to Herpetology, 3d ed, p315-320)

Svenska synonymer

Pytonormar Anakondor

Engelska synonymer

Boinae Python Pythons Boa Boas Anaconda Anacondas