Glycation End Products, Advanced

Avancerade glykerade slutprodukter

Svensk definition

Ämnen som erhålls genom icke-enzymatisk reaktion in vivo mellan glukos och proteiner och som uppvisar en gulbrun färg och förmåga att delta i protein-proteinkorslänkning. Dessa ämnen ingår i biologiska processer förknippade med proteinomsättningen, och man tror att för stor ansamling av dem bidrar till kroniska komplikationer till diabetes mellitus.

Engelsk definition

A heterogeneous group of compounds derived from rearrangements, oxidation, and cross-linking reactions that follow from non-enzymatic glycation of amino groups in PROTEINS; LIPIDS; or NUCLEIC ACIDS. Their accumulation in vivo accelerates under hyperglycemic, oxidative, or inflammatory conditions. Heat also accelerates the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) such seen with the browning of food during cooking.

Svenska synonymer

Avancerade glykolyserade slutprodukter Maillardprodukter Maillardreaktionprodukter

Engelska synonymer

Glycation Endproducts, Advanced Advanced Glycation Endproducts Advanced Glycation End Products Advanced Glycation Endproduct Glycation Endproduct, Advanced Glycotoxins Advanced Glycation End Product Maillard Reaction Products Products, Maillard Reaction Reaction Products, Maillard Maillard Products Products, Maillard Advanced Maillard Reaction End Products Advanced Maillard Reaction End Product Maillard Product Maillard Reaction End Product Maillard Reaction Product Product, Maillard Reaction Maillard Reaction End Products Glycated Lipids Lipids, Glycated