Occlusal Splints


Svensk definition

Fasta eller flexibla anordningar som täcker tändernas bettytor. De används för behandling av sammanbitning och tandgnissling och följder av dessa, och för att ge tillfällig lindring av käkledssmärta.

Engelsk definition

Rigid or flexible appliances that overlay the occlusal surfaces of the teeth. They are used to treat OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA, clenching, BRUXISM, and their sequelae, and to provide temporary relief from muscle or temporomandibular joint pain.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Occlusal Splint Splint, Occlusal Splints, Occlusal Dental Night Guard Dental Night Guards Guard, Dental Night Guards, Dental Night Night Guard, Dental Night Guards, Dental Mandibular Advancement Devices Advancement Device, Mandibular Advancement Devices, Mandibular Device, Mandibular Advancement Devices, Mandibular Advancement Mandibular Advancement Device Mandibular Advancement Splints Advancement Splint, Mandibular Advancement Splints, Mandibular Mandibular Advancement Splint Splint, Mandibular Advancement Splints, Mandibular Advancement