Technetium Tc 99m Pyrophosphate

Teknetium Tc 99m-pyrofosfat

Engelsk definition

A radionuclide imaging agent used primarily in scintigraphy or tomography of the heart to evaluate the extent of the necrotic myocardial process. It has also been used in noninvasive tests for the distribution of organ involvement in different types of amyloidosis and for the evaluation of muscle necrosis in the extremities.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Tc-PYP Tc PYP Tc 99m-Pyrophosphate Tc 99m Pyrophosphate 99mTc-Pyrophosphate 99mTc Pyrophosphate Diphosphoric Acid, Technetium Salt Technetium Tc 99m Pyrophosphate, Tc(3+) Salt (3:4) Technetium Tc 99m Pyrophosphate, Tc(4+) Salt (1:1)