Denture, Partial, Fixed, Resin-Bonded

Hartsbondad fast partiell tandprotes

Svensk definition

En protes med utbredd användning som ger en stark, permanent lagning. Den består av en elektrolytiskt etsad gjutmetallshållare, som med harts cementeras (bondas) fast vid angränsande tänder, vars emalj också etsats med syra.

Engelsk definition

A commonly used prosthesis that results in a strong, permanent restoration. It consists of an electrolytically etched cast-metal retainer that is cemented (bonded), using resins, to adjacent teeth whose enamel was previously acid-treated (acid-etched). This type of bridgework is sometimes referred to as a Maryland bridge.

Svenska synonymer

Fast delprotes, hartsbondad Hartsbondad fast delprotes

Engelska synonymer

Resin-Bonded Bridge Bridge, Resin-Bonded Bridges, Resin-Bonded Resin Bonded Bridge Resin-Bonded Bridges Resin-Bonded Acid-Etched Fixed Partial Denture Resin Bonded Acid Etched Fixed Partial Denture Maryland Bridge Bridge, Maryland Resin-Bonded Fixed Partial Denture Resin Bonded Fixed Partial Denture