Computer Peripherals


Svensk definition

Olika enheter som kan anslutas till en dator utan att utgöra någon del av själva datorn. De kan ha till funktion att presentera data, att lagra data, att omvandla data, eller att hämta data från andra källor för inmatning i datorn.

Engelsk definition

Various units or machines that operate in combination or in conjunction with a computer but are not physically part of it. Peripheral devices typically display computer data, store data from the computer and return the data to the computer on demand, prepare data for human use, or acquire data from a source and convert it to a form usable by a computer. (Computer Dictionary, 4th ed.)

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Computer Peripheral Peripheral, Computer Peripherals, Computer Peripheral Equipment, Computer Computer Peripheral Equipment Computer Peripheral Equipments Equipment, Computer Peripheral Equipments, Computer Peripheral Peripheral Equipments, Computer Peripheral Devices, Computer Computer Peripheral Device Computer Peripheral Devices Device, Computer Peripheral Devices, Computer Peripheral Peripheral Device, Computer