DNA Restriction-Modification Enzymes


Svensk definition

System bestående av två enzymer, ett modifieringsmetylas och ett restriktionsendonukleas. De är samhöriga i fråga om specificitet och skyddar en given bakteriearts DNA. Metylaset fogar metylgrupper till adenin- eller cytosinrester inom samma målsekvens som utgör bindningsställe för restriktionsenzymet. Metyleringen gör målområdet oangripbart för restriktion och skyddar därmed DNA't mot spjälkning. EC 3.1.21.-.

Engelsk definition

Systems consisting of two enzymes, a modification methylase and a restriction endonuclease. They are closely related in their specificity and protect the DNA of a given bacterial species. The methylase adds methyl groups to adenine or cytosine residues in the same target sequence that constitutes the restriction enzyme binding site. The methylation renders the target site resistant to restriction, thereby protecting DNA against cleavage.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Enzymes, DNA Restriction-Modification Restriction-Modification Enzymes, DNA DNA Restriction-Modification Enzyme Enzyme, DNA Restriction-Modification Restriction-Modification Enzyme, DNA Restriction-Modification Systems Systems, Restriction-Modification DNA Restriction Modification Enzymes Restriction-Modification System System, Restriction-Modification Restriction Modification Systems Modification Systems, Restriction Systems, Restriction Modification Restriction Modification System Modification System, Restriction System, Restriction Modification DNA Restriction Modification Enzyme