Wheat Germ Agglutinins


Svensk definition

Lektiner som utvunnits ur frögroddar av vanligt vete (Triticum vulgare). De binder till vissa kolhydratdelar på cellytans glykoproteiner och används för att identifiera vissa cellpopulationer samt hindra eller främja några immunologiska eller fysiologiska processer. Det finns minst två isoformer av detta lektin.

Engelsk definition

Lectins purified from the germinating seeds of common wheat (Triticum vulgare); these bind to certain carbohydrate moieties on cell surface glycoproteins and are used to identify certain cell populations and inhibit or promote some immunological or physiological activities. There are at least two isoforms of this lectin.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Lectins, Wheat Germ Wheat Germ Lectins Wheat Germ Lectin Germ Lectin, Wheat Lectin, Wheat Germ Triticum Vulgare Lectins Agglutinins, Wheat Germ Triticum Vulgare Lectin Lectin, Triticum Vulgare Vulgare Lectin, Triticum Wheat Germ Agglutinin Agglutinin, Wheat Germ Germ Agglutinin, Wheat Lectins, Triticum Vulgare Wheat Germ Agglutinin Isolectin 2 Wheat Germ Agglutinin Isolectin 1