Vertical Dimension

Vertikal dimension

Engelsk definition

The length of the face determined by the distance of separation of jaws. Occlusal vertical dimension (OVD or VDO) or contact vertical dimension is the lower face height with the teeth in centric occlusion. Rest vertical dimension (VDR) is the lower face height measured from a chin point to a point just below the nose, with the mandible in rest position. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p250)

Svenska synonymer

Mandibulär viloposition

Engelska synonymer

Dimension, Vertical Dimensions, Vertical Vertical Dimensions Rest Vertical Dimension Dimension, Rest Vertical Dimensions, Rest Vertical Rest Vertical Dimensions Vertical Dimension, Rest Vertical Dimensions, Rest Vertical Dimension of Occlusion Occlusion Vertical Dimension Occlusion Vertical Dimensions Mandibular Rest Position Mandibular Rest Positions Position, Mandibular Rest Positions, Mandibular Rest Rest Position, Mandibular Rest Positions, Mandibular Vertical Dimension at Rest