Vagotomy, Proximal Gastric

Proximal gastrisk vagotomi

Engelsk definition

Vagal denervation of that part of the STOMACH lined with acid-secreting mucosa (GASTRIC MUCOSA) containing the GASTRIC PARIETAL CELLS. Since the procedure leaves the vagal branches to the antrum and PYLORUS intact, it circumvents gastric drainage required with truncal vagotomy techniques.

Svenska synonymer

Vagotomi, selektiv proximal Vagotomi, proximal gastrisk Selektiv proximal vagotomy

Engelska synonymer

Gastric Vagotomies, Proximal Gastric Vagotomy, Proximal Proximal Gastric Vagotomies Proximal Gastric Vagotomy Vagotomies, Proximal Gastric Vagotomy, Highly Selective Highly Selective Vagotomies Highly Selective Vagotomy Selective Vagotomies, Highly Vagotomies, Highly Selective Vagotomy, Parietal Cell Parietal Cell Vagotomies Parietal Cell Vagotomy Vagotomies, Parietal Cell Vagotomy, Selective Proximal Proximal Vagotomies, Selective Proximal Vagotomy, Selective Selective Proximal Vagotomies Selective Proximal Vagotomy Vagotomies, Selective Proximal