Tooth Movement Techniques


Svensk definition

Ortodontiska tekniker som används för att korrigera felställda tänder.

Engelsk definition

Orthodontic techniques used to correct the malposition of a tooth or teeth.

Svenska synonymer

Ortodontisk tandförflyttning

Engelska synonymer

Movement Technique, Tooth Movement Techniques, Tooth Technique, Tooth Movement Techniques, Tooth Movement Tooth Movement Technique Orthodontic Tooth Movement Movement, Orthodontic Tooth Movements, Orthodontic Tooth Orthodontic Tooth Movements Tooth Movement, Orthodontic Tooth Movements, Orthodontic Tooth Uprighting Tooth Uprightings Uprighting, Tooth Uprightings, Tooth Tooth Movement, Minor Minor Tooth Movement Minor Tooth Movements Tooth Movements, Minor Tooth Intrusion Intrusion, Tooth Intrusions, Tooth Tooth Intrusions Tooth Depression Depression, Tooth Depressions, Tooth Tooth Depressions