Pokeweed Mitogens


Svensk definition

Proteiner från rötterna hos kermesbär (Phytolacca americana), vilka agglutinerar en del erytrocyter, stimulerar mitos och antikroppsbildning i lymfocyter, samt aktiverar plasmaceller.

Engelsk definition

Proteins isolated from the roots of the pokeweed, Phytolacca americana, that agglutinate some erythrocytes, stimulate mitosis and antibody synthesis in lymphocytes, and induce activation of plasma cells.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Mitogens, Pokeweed Pokeweed Lectin Lectin, Pokeweed Pokeweed Lectins Lectins, Pokeweed Pokeweed Mitogen Mitogen, Pokeweed Pokeweed Mitogen Isolectin Isolectin, Pokeweed Mitogen Mitogen Isolectin, Pokeweed