Mice, Mutant Strains

Möss, mutanta stammar

Svensk definition

Möss med muterade gener som uttrycks som phenotyper hos djuren.

Engelsk definition

Mice bearing mutant genes which are phenotypically expressed in the animals.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Mutant Strains Mice Strains Mice, Mutant Mutant Strains of Mice Mice Mutant Strain Mice Mutant Strains Mutant Strain of Mouse Mouse Mutant Strain Mouse Mutant Strains Mouse, Mutant Strain Mutant Strain Mouse Strain Mouse, Mutant Mutant Mouse Strain Mouse Strain, Mutant Mouse Strains, Mutant Mutant Mouse Strains Strain, Mutant Mouse Strains, Mutant Mouse