

Svensk definition

Sådan förskjutning och dålig kontakt mellan underkäken och överkäken att effektiviteten i käkens tuggrörelser påverkas negativt.

Engelsk definition

Such malposition and contact of the maxillary and mandibular teeth as to interfere with the highest efficiency during the excursive movements of the jaw that are essential for mastication. (Jablonski, Illustrated Dictionary of Dentistry, 1982)

Svenska synonymer

Bettanomali Malocklusion Felbett Korsbett Angles klassifikation Tandträngsel

Engelska synonymer

Malocclusions Tooth Crowding Crowding, Tooth Crowdings, Tooth Crossbite Crossbites Cross Bite Bite, Cross Bites, Cross Cross Bites Angle's Classification Angle Classification Angles Classification Classification, Angle's