Svensk definition
En sorts obstruktion i tarmen orsakad av framfall av en del av tarmen in i angränsande tarmgång. Det finns fyra typer: i tjocktarmen; i tunntarmen (enterisk typ); ileocekal typ, där ileocekalklaffen faller in i blindtarmen och drar med sig ileum; samt ileokolisk typ, varvid ileum faller igenom ileocekalklaffen och in i tjocktarmen.
Engelsk definition
A form of intestinal obstruction caused by the PROLAPSE of a part of the intestine into the adjoining intestinal lumen. There are four types: colic, involving segments of the LARGE INTESTINE; enteric, involving only the SMALL INTESTINE; ileocecal, in which the ILEOCECAL VALVE prolapses into the CECUM, drawing the ILEUM along with it; and ileocolic, in which the ileum prolapses through the ileocecal valve into the COLON.
Svenska synonymer
Invagination — Tarminvagination
Engelska synonymer
Intussusceptions — Intususception — Intususceptions — Invagination, Intestinal — Intestinal Invagination — Intestinal Invaginations — Invaginations, Intestinal