Health Services Accessibility

Tillgänglighet till hälso- och sjukvård

Svensk definition

Omfattningen av de svårigheter eller den lätthet människor har med att komma i kontakt med och utnyttja hälso- och sjukvårdssystemet. Faktorer av betydelse kan vara av geografisk, byggnadsteknisk, logistisk eller ekonomisk art.

Engelsk definition

The degree to which individuals are inhibited or facilitated in their ability to gain entry to and to receive care and services from the health care system. Factors influencing this ability include geographic, architectural, transportational, and financial considerations, among others.

Svenska synonymer

Hälso- och sjukvårdstillgänglighet Tillgång till hälso- och sjukvård Geografisk tillgänglighet till hälso- och sjukvårdstjänster Tillgång till preventivmedel

Engelska synonymer

Accessibilities, Health Services Access To Care, Health Access to Health Services Access to Health Care Accessibility of Health Services Accessibility, Health Services Availability of Health Services Health Services Availability Access to Care Access to Cares Care, Access to Cares, Access to Contraceptive Availability Availability, Contraceptive Access to Contraception Access to Contraceptions Contraception, Access to Contraceptive Access Access, Contraceptive Contraceptive Accesses Contraception Access Access, Contraception Program Accessibility Accessibility, Program Health Services Geographic Accessibility Access to Medicines Access to Medicine Medicine, Access to Medicines, Access to Medication Access Access, Medication Medication Accesses Access to Medications Access to Medication Medication, Access to Access to Therapy Access to Therapies Therapy, Access to Access to Treatment Access to Treatments Treatment, Access to