Disabled Persons

Personer med funktionsnedsättning

Svensk definition

Personer med fysiska eller psykiska funktionsnedsättningar som inverkar på eller utgör hinder i deras dagliga liv och som kan kräva särskild anpassning.

Engelsk definition

Persons with physical or mental disabilities that affect or limit their activities of daily living and that may require special accommodations.

Svenska synonymer

Funktionshindrade personer Rörelsehindrade personer Fysisk rörelsehindrad Fysisk funktionshindrad Personer med normbrytande funktionsvariation

Engelska synonymer

Disabled Person Person, Disabled Persons, Disabled Handicapped People with Disabilities Disabilities, People with People with Disability Persons with Disabilities Disabilities, Persons with Disability, Persons with Persons with Disability Physically Handicapped Handicapped, Physically Physically Disabled Disabled, Physically Physically Challenged