Persons with Visual Disabilities

Personer med synnedsättning

Svensk definition

Personer med så nedsatt syn att vardagslivet påverkas och att de endast med svårighet kan orientera sig i omgivningen.

Engelsk definition

Persons with loss of vision such that there is an impact on activities of daily living.

Svenska synonymer

Blinda personer Synskadade personer

Engelska synonymer

Blind Persons Blind Person Person, Blind Persons, Blind Persons with Visual Impairments Visually Disabled Persons Disabled Persons, Visually Disabled Person, Visually Persons, Visually Disabled Person, Visually Disabled Visually Disabled Person Visually Impaired Persons Impaired Persons, Visually Impaired Person, Visually Persons, Visually Impaired Person, Visually Impaired Visually Impaired Person