Graft vs Host Disease


Svensk definition

Ett kliniskt tillstånd kännetecknat av anorexi, diarré, håravfall, leukopeni, trombocytopeni, dålig kroppsväxt, och möjlig död till följd av transplantat-mot-värdreaktion.

Engelsk definition

The clinical entity characterized by anorexia, diarrhea, loss of hair, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, growth retardation, and eventual death brought about by the GRAFT VS HOST REACTION.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Runt Disease Disease, Runt Graft-Versus-Host Disease Disease, Graft-Versus-Host Diseases, Graft-Versus-Host Graft Versus Host Disease Graft-Versus-Host Diseases Graft-vs-Host Disease Disease, Graft-vs-Host Diseases, Graft-vs-Host Graft-vs-Host Diseases Homologous Wasting Disease Disease, Homologous Wasting