Glycyrrhetinic Acid


Svensk definition

En oljesyra från Glycyrrhiza (lakritsrot) med antiallergiska, antibakteriella och antivirala egenskaper. Den används lokalt mot hudinflammationer och oralt för sina elektrolytreglerande aldosteroneffekter.

Engelsk definition

An oleanolic acid from GLYCYRRHIZA that has some antiallergic, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. It is used topically for allergic or infectious skin inflammation and orally for its aldosterone effects in electrolyte regulation.

Svenska synonymer


Engelska synonymer

Acid, Glycyrrhetinic Glycyram Glycyrrhetic Acid Acid, Glycyrrhetic Glyciram Jintan Rhetinic Acid Acid, Rhetinic Uralenic Acid Acid, Uralenic Enoxolone Arthrodont Po 12 12, Po