Ethmoid Sinus


Svensk definition

Talrika, små luftfyllda rum eller celler i silbenet, där de bildar en labyrint.

Engelsk definition

The numerous (6-12) small thin-walled spaces or air cells in the ETHMOID BONE located between the eyes. These air cells form an ethmoidal labyrinth.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Sinus, Ethmoid Ethmoidal Air Cells Air Cell, Ethmoidal Cell, Ethmoidal Air Ethmoidal Air Cell Ethmoid Sinuses Ethmoid Sinuse Ethmoid Bulla Bulla, Ethmoid Bulla Ethmoidalis Bulla Ethmoidali Sphenoethmoidal Air Cell Cell, Sphenoethmoidal Air Sphenoethmoidal Air Cells Onodi Air Cell Air Cell, Onodi Infraorbital Ethmoid Cell Cell, Infraorbital Ethmoid Ethmoid Cell, Infraorbital Infraorbital Ethmoid Cells Haller Cell Cell, Haller