Electric Stimulation Therapy


Svensk definition

Behandling med elektrisk ström utan att märkbar hetta utvecklas. Hit hör elektrisk stimulering av nerver och muskler, ström genom kroppen eller stötvis behandling med svag ström för att höja smärttröskeln i huden.

Engelsk definition

Application of electric current in treatment without the generation of perceptible heat. It includes electric stimulation of nerves or muscles, passage of current into the body, or use of interrupted current of low intensity to raise the detection threshold of the skin to pain.

Svenska synonymer

Elstimulering Elektroterapi

Engelska synonymer

Therapeutic Electrical Stimulation Electrical Stimulation, Therapeutic Stimulation, Therapeutic Electrical Therapeutic Electric Stimulation Electric Stimulation, Therapeutic Stimulation, Therapeutic Electric Electrical Stimulation Therapy Stimulation Therapy, Electrical Therapy, Electrical Stimulation Therapy, Electric Stimulation Stimulation Therapy, Electric Electrotherapy Interferential Current Electrotherapy Electrotherapy, Interferential Current