Dental Restoration, Temporary

Tillfällig tandlagning

Svensk definition

Protes eller tandlagning av tillfällig art, avsedd att försegla och stabilisera tanden under en kortare eller längre period, tills den kan ersättas av en permanent lagning.

Engelsk definition

A prosthesis or restoration placed for a limited period, from several days to several months, which is designed to seal the tooth and maintain its position until a permanent restoration (DENTAL RESTORATION, PERMANENT) will replace it. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992)

Svenska synonymer

Tillfällig tandfyllning Tillfällig tandprotes

Engelska synonymer

Restoration, Temporary Dental Temporary Dental Restoration Temporary Dental Restorations Dental Restorations, Temporary Restorations, Temporary Dental Dental Prosthesis, Temporary Dental Prostheses, Temporary Prosthesis, Temporary Dental Temporary Dental Prostheses Temporary Dental Prosthesis Dental Fillings, Temporary Filling, Temporary Dental Fillings, Temporary Dental Temporary Dental Fillings Dental Filling, Temporary Temporary Dental Filling