Cord Factors


Svensk definition

Giftiga glykolipider bestående av trehalosdimykolat (trehalos-6,6´-dimykolat; TDM)). De bildas av Mycobacterium tuberculosis och andra arter av Mycobacterium. Dessa s k "cord factors" ger upphov till störningar i cellfunktionerna hos däggdjur.

Engelsk definition

Toxic glycolipids composed of trehalose dimycolate derivatives. They are produced by MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS and other species of MYCOBACTERIUM. They induce cellular dysfunction in animals.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Factors, Cord Trehalose Dimycolates Dimycolates, Trehalose Cord Factor Factor, Cord Trehalose-6,6'-Dimycolate Trehalose 6,6' Dimycolate