Chromatography, Gel


Svensk definition

Kromatografimetod på icke-joniska geler utan hänsyn till det sätt på vilket preparatet urskiljs.

Engelsk definition

Chromatography on non-ionic gels without regard to the mechanism of solute discrimination.

Svenska synonymer

Kromatografi, gel

Engelska synonymer

Chromatography, Exclusion Gel Chromatography Gel Filtration Chromatography Chromatography, Gel Filtration Filtration Chromatography, Gel Gel Permeation Chromatography Chromatography, Gel Permeation Gel Filtration Filtration, Gel Exclusion Chromatography Chromatography, Size Exclusion Exclusion Chromatography, Size Size Exclusion Chromatography Molecular Sieve Chromatography Chromatography, Molecular Sieve Sieve Chromatography, Molecular