

Svensk definition

Ett odontogent fibrom, vars celler utvecklats till cementoblaster och som till största delen består av cement.

Engelsk definition

An odontogenic fibroma in which cells have developed into cementoblasts and which consists largely of cementum.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

Cementomas Cemento-Ossifying Fibroma Cemento Ossifying Fibroma Cemento-Ossifying Fibromas Fibroma, Cemento-Ossifying Periapical Fibrous Dysplasia Dysplasia, Periapical Fibrous Fibrous Dysplasia, Periapical Fibrous Dysplasias, Periapical Periapical Fibrous Dysplasias Cementifying Fibroma of Maxilla Maxilla Cementifying Fibroma Maxilla Cementifying Fibromas Ossifying Fibroma of Maxilla Maxilla Ossifying Fibroma Maxilla Ossifying Fibromas Maxillary Cementifying Fibroma Cementifying Fibroma, Maxillary Cementifying Fibromas, Maxillary Fibroma, Maxillary Cementifying Maxillary Cementifying Fibromas Cementifying Fibroma of Mandible Mandible Cementifying Fibroma Mandible Cementifying Fibromas Ossifying Fibroma of Mandible Mandible Ossifying Fibroma Mandible Ossifying Fibromas Mandibular Cementifying Fibroma Cementifying Fibroma, Mandibular Cementifying Fibromas, Mandibular Fibroma, Mandibular Cementifying Mandibular Cementifying Fibromas