

Svensk definition

Tamboskap som vanligtvis hålls på någon form av lantgård för produktion av kött eller mjölkprodukter eller som arbetsdjur.

Engelsk definition

Domesticated bovine animals of the genus Bos, usually kept on a farm or ranch and used for the production of meat or dairy products or for heavy labor.

Svenska synonymer

Sebu Jak Kossor Kor

Engelska synonymer

Cow Cows Bos indicus Zebu Zebus Bos indicus Cattle Bos indicus Cattles Cattle, Bos indicus Cattles, Bos indicus Indicine Cattle Cattle, Indicine Cattles, Indicine Indicine Cattles Bos taurus Cow, Domestic Domestic Cow Domestic Cows Taurine Cattle Cattles, Taurine Cattle, Taurine Taurine Cattles Taurus Cattle Cattles, Taurus Cattle, Taurus Taurus Cattles Bos grunniens Yak Yaks Dairy Cow Cow, Dairy Dairy Cows Beef Cow Beef Cows Cow, Beef Holstein Cow Cow, Holstein