Cyclic AMP Receptor Protein

Cykliskt AMP-receptorprotein

Svensk definition

En transkriptionsregulator hos prokaryoter som verkar vid flera promotorer, sedan den aktiverats genom bindning till cykliskt AMP (cAMP). Detta receptorprotein identifierades ursprungligen som ett katabolismgenaktiveringsprotein. Det har senare visat sig reglera flera funktioner ej förknippade med katabolism, samt att fungera som såväl negativ som positiv transkriptionsregulator. Hit räknas inte cellytereceptorer för cyklist AMP (cykliskt AMP-receptorer) eller eukaryota cytoplasmatiska cAMP-receptorproteiner, vilka utgör regulatorenheterna hos cAMP-beroende proteinkinaser.

Engelsk definition

A transcriptional regulator in prokaryotes which, when activated by binding cyclic AMP, acts at several promoters. Cyclic AMP receptor protein was originally identified as a catabolite gene activator protein. It was subsequently shown to regulate several functions unrelated to catabolism, and to be both a negative and a positive regulator of transcription. Cell surface cyclic AMP receptors are not included (CYCLIC AMP RECEPTORS), nor are the eukaryotic cytoplasmic cyclic AMP receptor proteins, which are the regulatory subunits of CYCLIC AMP-DEPENDENT PROTEIN KINASES.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

cAMP Receptor Proteins Proteins, cAMP Receptor Receptor Proteins, cAMP Catabolic Gene Activator Gene Activator, Catabolic Gene Activators, Catabolic Catabolic Gene Activators Cyclic AMP Receptor Proteins Activator Protein, Catabolite Activator Proteins, Catabolite Catabolite Activator Proteins Protein, Catabolite Activator Proteins, Catabolite Activator Catabolite Activator Protein Catabolite Gene Activator Protein Catabolite Gene Activator Proteins Catabolite Regulator Protein Catabolite Regulator Proteins Protein, Catabolite Regulator Proteins, Catabolite Regulator Regulator Protein, Catabolite Regulator Proteins, Catabolite cAMP Receptor Protein Protein, cAMP Receptor Receptor Protein, cAMP Activator, Catabolic Gene Activators, Catabolic Gene