Svensk definition
Förteckning över litteraturen utgiven i ett visst land eller på ett visst språk. I Sverige är nationalbibliografin uppdelad i flera olika förteckningar, som var och en täcker en viss tidsperiod: Sveri ges bibliografi intill år 1600, Sveriges bibliografi 1600-talet, 1700-1829, Svenskt boklexikon 1830-1865, och därefter i Svensk bokkatalog.
Engelsk definition
A bibliography which lists all the books and other publications published, or distributed in significant quantity, in a particular country. Sometimes the term is used with respect to the new publications published within a specific period, and sometimes with respect to all those published within a lengthy period of many years. It is also used to indicate a bibliography of publications about a country (whether written by its nationals or not) and those written in the language of the country as well as those published in it. (Harrod's Librarians' Glossary, 7th ed)
Svenska synonymer
Bibliografi, nationell
Engelska synonymer
National Bibliography — Bibliographies, National — National Bibliographies