

Svensk definition

En dopa-karboxylashämmare som inte går in i central nervsystemet. Det ges ofta i kombination med levodopa vid behandling av parkinsonism för att hindra omvandling av levodopa till dopamin perifert, va rvid en större mängd når centrala nervsystemet. Medlet har i sig ingen antiparkinsoneffekt.

Engelsk definition

An inhibitor of DOPA DECARBOXYLASE that does not enter the central nervous system. It is often given with LEVODOPA in the treatment of parkinsonism to prevent the conversion of levodopa to dopamine in the periphery, thereby increasing the amount that reaches the central nervous system and reducing the required dose. It has no antiparkinson actions when given alone.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Seryltrihydroxybenzylhydrazine Seryltrihydroxy Benzylhydrazine Benzylhydrazine, Seryltrihydroxy DL-Serine 2-((2,3,4-trihydroxyphenyl)methyl)hydrazide Serazide Ro 4-4602 Ro 4 4602 Ro 44602