Vehicle Emissions


Svensk definition

Gaser, rök, ångor och lukter som kommer från cylindrarna i en bensin- eller dieseldriven förbränningsmotor.

Engelsk definition

Gases, fumes, vapors, and ODORANTS escaping from the cylinders of a gasoline or diesel internal-combustion engine. (From McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed & Random House Unabridged Dictionary, 2d ed)

Svenska synonymer

Bilavgaser Dieselavgaser

Engelska synonymer

Emissions, Vehicle Vehicle Emission Emission, Vehicle Vehicular Emission Emission, Vehicular Vehicular Emissions Emissions, Vehicular Diesel Exhaust Exhaust, Diesel Automobile Exhaust Exhaust, Automobile Engine Exhaust Exhaust, Engine Traffic-Related Pollutants Pollutants, Traffic-Related Traffic Related Pollutants Transportation Emissions Emissions, Transportation