Antigens, Surface


Svensk definition

Antigener på ytan av celler, inklusive infektionsframkallande celler, främmande celler eller virus. De utgörs vanligtvis av proteinhaltiga grupper, och kan vara isolerade, på cellmembran eller cellväg gar.

Engelsk definition

Antigens on surfaces of cells, including infectious or foreign cells or viruses. They are usually protein-containing groups on cell membranes or walls and may be isolated.

Svenska synonymer

Antigener, cellyta

Engelska synonymer

Surface Antigens Cell Surface Antigen Antigen, Cell Surface Surface Antigen, Cell Surface Markers, Immunological Immunologic Surface Markers Markers, Immunologic Surface Surface Markers, Immunologic Markers, Immunological Surface Immunological Surface Markers Surface Antigen Antigen, Surface Cell Surface Antigens Antigens, Cell Surface Surface Antigens, Cell