Ampholyte Mixtures


Svensk definition

Blandningar av amfoteriska elektrolyter eller buffertar som ger ett kontinuerligt spektrum av pH i ett elektriskt fält. De används för separation av proteiner, t ex genom isoelektrisk fokusering.

Engelsk definition

Such mixtures of amphoteric electrolytes or buffers that provide a continuous range of pH in an electric field; used for separating proteins by their isoelectric points, i.e., by isoelectric focusing.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Carrier Ampholyte Isoelectric Focusing Agents Ampholines Carrier Ampholytes Ampholytes, Carrier Isoelectric Focusing Agent Agent, Isoelectric Focusing Ampholyte Mixture Servalyte Ampholytes Ampholyte Pharmalytes Pharmalyte