Intracameral Injection

Intrakameral injektion

Svensk definition

Ett medicinskt ingrepp där läkemedel tillförs direkt i ögats främre kammare.

Engelsk definition

A medical procedure in which medication is delivered directly into the ANTERIOR CHAMBER of the eye.

Svenska synonymer

Injektion i ögats främre kammare

Engelska synonymer

Injection, Intracameral Injections, Intracameral Intracameral Injections Intra-Cameral Injection Injection, Intra-Cameral Injections, Intra-Cameral Intra Cameral Injection Intra-Cameral Injections Anterior Chamber Injection Anterior Chamber Injections Chamber Injection, Anterior Chamber Injections, Anterior Injection, Anterior Chamber Injections, Anterior Chamber Intracameral (IC) Injection