Oral Frenectomy

Engelsk definition

Surgical procedures to release or remove abnormally short or tightly attached frenum (e.g., LINGUAL FRENUM or LABIAL FRENUM) associated with a pathological condition (e.g., TONGUE TIE and lip tie).

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Frenectomy, Oral Oral Frenectomies Oral Frenumectomy Frenumectomy, Oral Oral Frenumectomies Oral Frenulectomy Frenulectomy, Oral Oral Frenulectomies Labial Frenectomy Frenectomy, Labial Labial Frenectomies Lip Tie Release Lip Tie Releases Oral Frenotomy Frenotomy, Oral Oral Frenotomies Oral Frenuloplasty Frenuloplasty, Oral Oral Frenuloplasties Lingual Frenectomy Frenectomy, Lingual Lingual Frenectomies Tongue Tie Release Tongue Tie Releases