Orthodontic Appliances, Fixed

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Engelsk definition

ORTHODONTIC APPLIANCES attached to the teeth by adhesive material which cannot be removed from the mouth by the patient. These devices apply force to the teeth and supporting structures, thereby producing changes which control their growth and development.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Appliance, Fixed Orthodontic Appliances, Fixed Orthodontic Fixed Orthodontic Appliance Fixed Orthodontic Appliances Orthodontic Appliance, Fixed Fixed Functional Appliances Appliance, Fixed Functional Appliances, Fixed Functional Fixed Functional Appliance Functional Appliance, Fixed Functional Appliances, Fixed Fixed Retainer Fixed Retainers Retainer, Fixed Retainers, Fixed Bonded Retainer Bonded Retainers Retainer, Bonded Retainers, Bonded Fixed Appliances Appliance, Fixed Appliances, Fixed Fixed Appliance Permanent Retainer Permanent Retainers Retainer, Permanent Retainers, Permanent