Abnormalities, Drug-Induced

Läkemedelsframkallade missbildningar

Svensk definition

Medfödda missbildningar orsakade av läkemedel, läkemedelsmissbruk eller exponering i samband med läkemedelstillverkning. Termen utesluter missbildningar efter exponering för miljögifter.

Engelsk definition

Congenital abnormalities caused by medicinal substances or drugs of abuse given to or taken by the mother, or to which she is inadvertently exposed during the manufacture of such substances. The concept excludes abnormalities resulting from exposure to non-medicinal chemicals in the environment.

Svenska synonymer

Missbildningar, läkemedelsframkallade

Engelska synonymer

Abnormalities, Drug Induced Drug-Induced Abnormalities Abnormality, Drug-Induced Drug Induced Abnormalities Drug-Induced Abnormality