Paraneoplastic Syndromes, Ocular

Paraneoplastiska okulära syndrom

Svensk definition

Sekundära ögonmanifestationer av olika tumörer där den primära tumörens antikroppar och antigener korsreagerar med ögats antigener. En autoimmun respons som ofta leder till synförlust och andra ögonproblem.

Engelsk definition

Ocular manifestations secondary to various NEOPLASMS in which antibodies to antigens of the primary tumor cross-react with ocular antigens. This autoimmune response often leads to visual loss and other ocular dysfunctions.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Ocular Paraneoplastic Syndrome Ocular Paraneoplastic Syndromes Paraneoplastic Syndrome, Ocular Syndrome, Ocular Paraneoplastic Syndromes, Ocular Paraneoplastic Paraneoplastic Diseases, Ocular Disease, Ocular Paraneoplastic Diseases, Ocular Paraneoplastic Ocular Paraneoplastic Disease Ocular Paraneoplastic Diseases Paraneoplastic Disease, Ocular Melanoma-Associated Retinopathy Melanoma Associated Retinopathy Melanoma-Associated Retinopathies Retinopathies, Melanoma-Associated Retinopathy, Melanoma-Associated Bilateral Diffuse Uveal Melanocytic Proliferation, Paraneoplastic Paraneoplastic Melanocytic Proliferation Melanocytic Proliferation, Paraneoplastic Melanocytic Proliferations, Paraneoplastic Paraneoplastic Melanocytic Proliferations Cancer-Associated Retinopathy Cancer Associated Retinopathy Cancer-Associated Retinopathies Retinopathies, Cancer-Associated Retinopathy, Cancer-Associated