

Svensk definition

En amfetaminanalog som snabbt tas upp via lungorna och sprids därifrån till främst till hjärnan och levern. Det används vid radioisotopskanning med I-123.

Engelsk definition

An amphetamine analog that is rapidly taken up by the lungs and from there redistributed primarily to the brain and liver. It is used in brain radionuclide scanning with I-123.

Svenska synonymer

Inga svenska synonymer finns.

Engelska synonymer

N-Isopropyl-p-iodoamphetamine N Isopropyl p iodoamphetamine Iofetamine Hydrochloride, I-123 Hydrochloride, I-123 Iofetamine I-123 Iofetamine Hydrochloride Iofetamine Hydrochloride, I 123 N-Isopropyl-p-iodoamphetamine (I123) Hydrochloride Iodine-123-IMP Iodine 123 IMP N-Isopropyl-p-(Iodine-123)-Iodoamphetamine Iofetamine I-123 I-123, Iofetamine Iofetamine I 123