Blood Coagulation Factor Inhibitors


Svensk definition

Oftast endogena ämnen, som hämmar blodkoagulationen. De kan påverka ett eller flera enzym i koagulationsprocessen. Sammantaget kan de också hämma enzymer i andra processer än blodkoagulationen, som t ex enzymer i komplementsystemet, i fibrinolysenzymsystemet, i blodcellerna, samt i bakterier.

Engelsk definition

Substances, usually endogenous, that act as inhibitors of blood coagulation. They may affect one or multiple enzymes throughout the process. As a group, they also inhibit enzymes involved in processes other than blood coagulation, such as those from the complement system, fibrinolytic enzyme system, blood cells, and bacteria.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Inhibitors, Coagulation Factor, Blood Inhibitor, Coagulation Factor, Blood Inhibitors, Blood Coagulation Factor Blood Coagulation Factor Inhibitor Inhibitor, Blood Coagulation Factor