Svensk definition
Syndrom associerat med halvsidig ryggmärgsskada, med följande kliniska kännetecken (belägna under skadestället): motsidigt nedsatt eller bortfallet smärt- och temperatursinne, förlust av muskelsinne o ch muskelkramper på samma sida. Känselsinnet förblir som regel intakt.
Engelsk definition
A syndrome associated with injury to the lateral half of the spinal cord. The condition is characterized by the following clinical features (which are found below the level of the lesion): contralateral hemisensory anesthesia to pain and temperature, ipsilateral loss of propioception, and ipsilateral motor paralysis. Tactile sensation is generally spared. (From Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p162).
Svenska synonymer
Inga svenska synonymer finns.
Engelska synonymer
Brown Sequard Syndrome — Syndrome, Brown-Sequard — Brown-Sequard Disease — Brown Sequard Disease — Brown-Sequard's Disease — Brown Sequard's Disease — Brown-Sequards Disease — Brown-Sequard's Syndrome — Brown Sequard's Syndrome — Brown-Sequards Syndrome — Syndrome, Brown-Sequard's — Hemicord Syndrome — Hemicord Syndromes — Syndrome, Hemicord — Syndromes, Hemicord — Hemiparaplegic Syndrome — Hemiparaplegic Syndromes — Syndrome, Hemiparaplegic — Syndromes, Hemiparaplegic — Hemispinal Cord Syndrome — Hemispinal Cord Syndromes — Syndrome, Hemispinal Cord — Syndromes, Hemispinal Cord — Spastic Spinal Monoplegia Syndrome — Brown-Sequard's Paralysis — Brown-Sequard Paralysis — Brown Sequard's Paralysis — Brown-Sequards Paralysis — Paralysis, Brown-Sequard's