Immunocompromised Host

Immunsupprimerad värd

Svensk definition

Människa eller djur vars immunförsvar är bristfälligt pga immundefektsjukdom eller annan sjukdom, eller pga medicinering med immunsupprimerande läkemedel eller strålbehandling.

Engelsk definition

A human or animal whose immunologic mechanism is deficient because of an immunodeficiency disorder or other disease or as the result of the administration of immunosuppressive drugs or radiation.

Svenska synonymer

Immunsupprimerad patient

Engelska synonymer

Host, Immunocompromised Hosts, Immunocompromised Immunocompromised Hosts Immunocompromised Patient Immunocompromised Patients Patient, Immunocompromised Patients, Immunocompromised Immunosuppressed Host Host, Immunosuppressed Hosts, Immunosuppressed Immunosuppressed Hosts