Self-Injurious Behavior

Självdestruktivt beteende

Engelsk definition

Behavior in which persons hurt or harm themselves without the motive of suicide or of sexual deviation.

Svenska synonymer

Självskadebeteende Parasuicid Självskadande handlingar

Engelska synonymer

Behavior, Self-Injurious Self Injurious Behavior Self-Injurious Behaviors Intentional Self Injury Intentional Self Injuries Self Injury, Intentional Intentional Self Harm Self Harm, Intentional Nonsuicidal Self Injury Nonsuicidal Self Injuries Self Injury, Nonsuicidal Deliberate Self-Harm Deliberate Self Harm Self-Harm, Deliberate Self-Injury Self Injury Non-Suicidal Self Injury Non Suicidal Self Injury Non-Suicidal Self Injuries Self Injury, Non-Suicidal Self Harm Harm, Self Self-Destructive Behavior Behavior, Self-Destructive Self Destructive Behavior Self-Destructive Behaviors