

Svensk definition

En selektiv serotininåterupptagsblockerare (SSRI). Medlet har effekt vid behandling av depression, tvångssyndrom, ångest, panikångest och minnesstörningar pga alkoholbruk.

Engelsk definition

A selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor that is used in the treatment of DEPRESSION and a variety of ANXIETY DISORDERS.

Svenska synonymer


Engelska synonymer

DU-23000 DU 23000 DU23000 Fluvoxadura Fluvoxamin AL Fluvoxamin beta Fluvoxamin Stada Fluvoxamin-neuraxpharm Fluvoxamin neuraxpharm Fluvoxamin-ratiopharm Fluvoxamin ratiopharm ratio-Fluvoxamine ratio Fluvoxamine Fluvoxamina Geminis Geminis, Fluvoxamina Fluvoxamine Maleate Fluvoxamine Maleate, (E)-Isomer Fluvoxamine, (Z)-Isomer Novo-Fluvoxamine Novo Fluvoxamine Nu-Fluvoxamine Nu Fluvoxamine PMS-Fluvoxamine PMS Fluvoxamine Luvox Floxyfral Fevarin Dumirox Faverin Desiflu