Birthing Centers


Svensk definition

Enskilda mödravårds- och förlossningskliniker.

Engelsk definition

Free-standing facilities that provide prenatal, childbirth, and postnatal care and usually incorporate family-centered maternity care concepts and practices.

Svenska synonymer

Fristående förlossningsinrättningar Fristående förlossningscenter Förlossningskliniker

Engelska synonymer

Birthing Center Center, Birthing Centers, Birthing Birth Centers Birth Center Center, Birth Centers, Birth Free Standing Birthing Center Birth Center, Free Standing Free-Standing Birth Centers Birth Center, Free-Standing Birth Centers, Free-Standing Free Standing Birth Centers Free-Standing Birth Center Birthing Centers, Free-Standing Birthing Center, Free-Standing Birthing Centers, Free Standing Free-Standing Birthing Center Free-Standing Birthing Centers