Lymphatic Irradiation


Svensk definition

Extern eller interstitiell strålbehandling för behandling av lymfom, t ex Hodgkins eller icke-Hodgkins lymfom och lymfkörtelmetastaser, samt även vissa autoimmuna sjukdomar, som t ex reumatoid artrit.

Engelsk definition

External or interstitial irradiation to treat lymphomas (e.g., Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas) and lymph node metastases and also some autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Lymphoid Irradiation Irradiation, Lymphoid Irradiations, Lymphoid Lymphoid Irradiations Irradiation, Lymphatic Irradiations, Lymphatic Lymphatic Irradiations Radiation Therapy, Lymphatic Lymphatic Radiation Therapies Radiation Therapies, Lymphatic Therapies, Lymphatic Radiation Lymphatic Radiotherapy Lymphatic Radiotherapies Radiotherapies, Lymphatic Lymphatic Radiation Therapy Radiotherapy, Lymphatic Therapy, Lymphatic Radiation