Tissue Therapy, Historical

Vävnadsterapi, historisk

Svensk definition

Historiskt sett vävnadstransplantation, i synnerhet av nedkyld vävnad (efter Filatov). Teorin var att icke-specifika substanser med förmåga att starta återuppbyggande processer, formades i vävnader när de kyldes ned. Cellterapi (efter Niehans) syftar på vävnadsimplantat genom injektion. Ursprungligen handlade det om färska celler, men senare nedfrusna eller lyofiliserade celler.

Engelsk definition

Historically, tissue transplantation, especially of refrigerated tissue (after Filatov). It was theorized that nonspecific substances, capable of initiating restorative processes, formed in tissues when refrigerated. Cell therapy (after Niehans) refers to implantation of tissue by injection. Originally this involved fresh cells but later frozen or lyophilized cells.

Svenska synonymer

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Engelska synonymer

Historical Tissue Therapy Therapy, Historical Tissue Biogenic Stimulators Biogenic Stimulator Stimulator, Biogenic Stimulators, Biogenic Cell Therapy, Historical Historical Cell Therapy Therapy, Historical Cell