Substance Withdrawal Syndrome


Svensk definition

Fysiologiska och psykologiska symtom som beror på utsättning av ett läkemedel som förskrivits eller använts vanemässigt under lång tid. Begreppet innefattar alkoholabstinens och abstinens vid rökavvänjning, såväl som avvänjning av ett förskrivet läkemedel.

Engelsk definition

Physiological and psychological symptoms associated with withdrawal from the use of a drug after prolonged administration or habituation. The concept includes withdrawal from smoking or drinking, as well as withdrawal from an administered drug.

Svenska synonymer

Läkemedelsabstinens Utsättningsreaktion

Engelska synonymer

Substance Withdrawal Syndromes Syndrome, Substance Withdrawal Syndromes, Substance Withdrawal Withdrawal Syndrome, Substance Withdrawal Syndromes, Substance Withdrawal Symptoms Symptom, Withdrawal Symptoms, Withdrawal Withdrawal Symptom Drug Withdrawal Symptoms Drug Withdrawal Symptom Symptom, Drug Withdrawal Symptoms, Drug Withdrawal Withdrawal Symptom, Drug Withdrawal Symptoms, Drug