Social Identification

Social identifikation

Svensk definition

Processen genom vilken en del av den egna självbilden utvecklas, baserat på gruppintern preferens eller etnocentricitet och en känsla av tillhörighet i en viss social eller kulturell grupp. (Ur APA, Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms, 8:e uppl.)

Engelsk definition

The process by which an aspect of self image is developed based on in-group preference or ethnocentrism and a perception of belonging to a social or cultural group. (From APA, Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms, 8th ed.)

Svenska synonymer

Social identitet Gruppidentifiering

Engelska synonymer

Identifications, Social Social Identifications Social Identity Identities, Social Identity, Social Social Identities Identification, Social Professional Identity Formation Formation, Professional Identity Formations, Professional Identity Identity Formation, Professional Identity Formations, Professional Professional Identity Formations Professional Identification Identification, Professional Identifications, Professional Professional Identifications Group Identification Group Identifications Identification, Group Identifications, Group