Engelsk definition
Perforations through the whole thickness of the retina including the macula as the result of inflammation, trauma, degeneration, etc. The concept includes retinal breaks, tears, dialyses, and holes.
Perforations through the whole thickness of the retina including the macula as the result of inflammation, trauma, degeneration, etc. The concept includes retinal breaks, tears, dialyses, and holes.
Retinala perforationer — Hål på näthinnan — Näthinnehål — Makulahål — Hål i gula fläcken
Perforation, Retinal — Perforations, Retinal — Retinal Perforation — Retinal Breaks — Break, Retinal — Breaks, Retinal — Retinal Break — Retinal Holes — Hole, Retinal — Holes, Retinal — Retinal Hole — Retinal Tears — Retinal Tear — Tear, Retinal — Tears, Retinal — Retinal Dialyses — Dialyses, Retinal — Retinal Dialyse — Macular Holes — Hole, Macular — Holes, Macular — Macular Hole